The 118th Republican Congress: Drunk, Dancing Monkeys ... with Machine guns
A plethora of criminals, conspiracists, crackpots and kooks are now in charge of your government and many are beholden to Moscow.
… And they do not care what you think about them or what they are going to do to your democracy.
Welcome to the Jungle
For the last year and a half, I tried to warn about what would happen if the 2022 election led to a Republican run Congress. I predicted interparty chaos, elevation of the insurrection to hero status, endless investigations, impeachments and a wild cabal run by the worst people in the world. Now we are going to find out. Although America staved off a complete collapse of the democratic order, Republicans now have a slim majority of just five seats in the House of Representatives. But, they are going to run government as if they had a 100 seat majority. They fully intend to pass laws that will impact your every day life, and it won’t be positive. However, this report is called Special Intelligence for a reason. If I were assessing America as a foreign state which threatened our influence this is what the summary would look like:
“Antigovernment insurgents elect extremi…