So lucky to have spent my life in US democracy. Hope so much that we can get it back.

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My dad was a 1st lieutenant in WWII. He became a citizen by fighting in the war to defend our democracy. I look at his metals and the flag he had draped on his coffin and cry. He fought for us and I am so glad he is not here to see where we are at today. He died in 2019 before the pandemic, and had to stomach a few years of FOTUS' first term. Thank you Malcolm for your service and for this post. I will share it with everyone I know.

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Thank you again Malcolm. Although everything you say is frightening I’m so glad you are here to say it. Today has been a rough day for me. It’s the seventh anniversary of my dear husband’s passing. He was so depressed after the 2016 election that I am so glad he wasn’t here for this one.

I too stayed away from TV except for FSTV. I saw an excerpt I think from his rally on Randi Rhodes where he praised musk for knowing so much about voting machines. Then said the election was rigged and now he’s the president. Bragging about it. I despise him.

We cannot and must not tolerate this behavior but I don’t have your background and don’t know how to fix it. I’m looking forward to your Substack

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Oh my God! He actually said that yesterday? I refused to watch anything related to Trump. As far as I am concerned, he does not exist. I hope that tells everyone where I stand.

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Thank you Malcolm, that was beautiful. I know I stand with you in defiance, for my country. I appreciate your flag position.

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Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way. Martin Luther King Jr.

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This is great!

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Mahalo for this Malcolm. I was born in Hawaii when it was a Territory of the US. I was a little kid watching the parade in my small town when we reached statehood. I felt patriotic from the lessons we had before achieving statehood, with reminders of our history of annexation. I took it to heart. In my 70s now it is crushing to see it all fall to greedy Un-American fools. I look forward to your guidance through this horrible time. It is heartbreaking to have family and friends declare this a good day. I cannot fathom any further contact with such blind cult behavior. Self-care. And I am looking to you to provide some amount of direction to get us all through this. Much aloha for all you do.

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Hi Malcolm, looking forward to your guidance for us in the next video. As a member of the military myself, how do you suggest military members navigate the current situation and the circumstances we may find ourselves in over the next for year?

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Thank you Brandon.

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I love you, Malcolm!

Stay strong and stay vocal!

We need you brother.

Thank you!

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I feel your passion and share it. Today I think of the millions of soldiers who have lost their lives since the birth of the United States, from the rebels of the Revolution to those currently in the military, who have felt a deep commitment to protecting our Constitution. These are the 'suckers and losers' that Trump has referred to. How Americans could ignore his cold and cruel dismissal of others' ultimate sacrifices says so much. I'm profoundly sad.

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You both make a good point. He is denigrating previous generations of Americans who suffered and sacrificed. He is attacking the family tree of all Americans. He and his co-horts hate the very idea of America.

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Dear Malcolm, thank you for your thoughtful words. I don't think anyone could have said them better. It was a surreal experience listening to you on my laptop when all of a sudden, somehow, my main computer started playing The Great Remember by the Steep Canyon Rangers. Your words, and the music, brought back emotional memories of my childhood growing up in a suburb of Boston, MA, a few miles from the home of John Adams and birth place of John Quincy Adams and in the other direction a few miles from the home of Col/Brev. Brig Gen Sylvanus Thayer. Our school instilled a great sense of history and pride to be an American into each of us with many visits to Bunker Hill, USS Constitution, Old North Church, site of the Tea Party, and the act of defiance in 1770 that led to the Boston Massacre, and stories of the heroes of the Revolutionary War from Boston and surrounding colonies. Thank you again. I'll always remember this as your 'Great Remember' talk. Best regards

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I nominate Nance for shadow Sec Def and look forward to future posts on how the military should be responding to our external threat environment rather than being misdirected and corrupted as a tool of the oligarchs in service to dictator Trump.

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Great suggestion!!

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I spent a part of the day thinking about Churchill in June, 1940. I feel that we on Team Democracy are in a similar position as Great Britain was. DEFIANCE! What a powerful word. Churchill defied Hitler when many around him urged capitulation. He became the stiff iron spine of not only Britain, but the entire world. I'm of the same mind as you, Chief. We need to get into these assholes faces and stay there. Our enemies have lots of bluster, but they also have glass jaws. I plan to raise as much Hell as I can to put this right. Hell, I'm too damn old to give a shit about consequences. Let's bring the fire, Chief!🔥💥💪🇺🇸

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I often wonder how these right wing sandbox militas will react when the underground democracy fighters shoot back with their own AR15s??? The keep asking for it....voted for it.....

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OUR own AR's?

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I will be looking for your suggestions for defiance. I admit that right now I have great feelings of violence and I am close to 82 years old. How can so many supposedly educated people be so ignorant of what Trump is trying to do. But I do worry about your safety. Please take all of the precautions available to you for your safety! We all need your guidance! You are truly a National Treasure!

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National boycotts of the Washington Post.......not a singl copy should be purchased......

When they start to get violent..........target Fox News stations......right wing thinktank headquarters.........the wimp factor has not worked........

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Sadly many Americans are poorly educated and they love Trump & he loves them.

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I will defy!

As always, I am so grateful for your courage and the inspiration you cast out over all of us. Your wisdom and deep patriotism are especially needed today. G-d bless you, Malcolm Nance.

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Yes, please help us with info on how we can protect ourselves, our families, and homes. Sending love and light

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Like I said earlier on your YouTube. Great work as always Chief 👍🏽.

I will continue my mainstream media blackout. Because to hell with their lust for their cash cow.

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