“WikiLeaks and Russian intelligence offered quickly disprovable propaganda, but it was like crack-filled gummi bears for idiots. These soft minds lapped it up gladly, and we got the most authoritarian regime in American history for four years, as well as the first violent transition of power.” As the Most High as my witness, from the depths of the Earth, across the Universe & unto the highest Heavens ain’t that just the truth. 😒

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Crack filled gummy bears is apparently a real thing for idiots.

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It’s too alarmingly real for some of these people, but I must say I enjoy your descriptions of such nonsense

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😂😂 Don Jr. comes to mind.

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Mostly definitely

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Jun 27Liked by Malcolm Nance

If you re-elect Biden and you don’t like him, you can vote for someone else next time. If you elect Trump, then you will never be able to vote again.

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Jun 27Liked by Malcolm Nance

Absolutely. We don't have time for selfish bullshit!!

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That’s been my point to anyone on the fence.

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Most rational people, ones who aren't suicidal, know what the stakes are and will vote not just for Joe but democrats down the line. If the nightmare scenario develops, then it's Annie get your gun. I have faith in the best outcome. The only meaningful efforts now, and those are the only ones we should be discussing, are what kind of real contribution you can make to secure the sane outcome: money and time, telephone tag and gas. That's it, and prayer of course.

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I have been saying for years and years that the only thing that will get Americans, especially younger ones, to wake up is if their entertainment is taken away.

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All I can say is thank you, thank you for your wise words. I read everything I get my hands on so I know what you say is true. I was born during World War II and that memory has not left me even though I was very little. I remember the worry and fear of my relatives around me. That uncertainty could happen again.

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Jun 27Liked by Malcolm Nance

The fact that he’s a fellow countryman is disgusting. The fact that he was elected president is appalling. The fact that he could be elected again is terrifying. For all the reasons you listed and more. I have never been able to wrap my head around how people could think this complete waste of sperm should be president, when so many of us knew he was a POS long before The Apprentice. The idiocy is astounding.

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He’s a useless idiot and is a traitor and the whole world is chewing their nails off with worry over the future of our country

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Jun 27Liked by Malcolm Nance

I'm with you in your alarm Malcom, which for me has grown steadily to stone-cold rage. Who didn't understand the brutality of 10/7 was orchestrated by Iran and Russia, intended to incite violence against Gaza, to radicalize sympathizers and make sympathizers out of those who'd never given Palestine a moment's thought? Who didn't know that Musk bought Twitter with money from oligarchs for the sole purpose of affecting this election? Who doesn't understand Putin's reign, Trump's freedom, and that of the MAQA congress depends on retaking the Whitehouse by any means necessary? Who doesn't understand that for them this isn't Election 2024, but Insurrection 2.0? Who doesn't understand "by any means necessary" includes voter suppression, voter and poll-worker intimidation, false allegations of voter fraud, lies, disinformation, manipulation, and if need-be violence? That's not to mention who-knows-what foreign and domestic actors alike will do to sabotage and disrupt our sense of security and faith in our institutions—all to evince a perceived power vacuum into which they intend to step and take away our democracy? Vote we must and vote we will—and when we've won, which we will, we must be ready to stop them from taking what is not rightfully theirs. How? By flatly refusing to allow them to get away with it. They can do nothing we do not allow them to do.

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Your sentiments are publish-worthy!!

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It’s so good to see you Malcolm! They threw me off Twitter; I can’t imagine why. Actually, it was a huge favor.

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I just figured out Substack is sort of like Twitter. I think I’m gonna be cutting my time on Twitter and half and concentrating on getting you guys a lot more of me. Believe it or not. I lost a lot of subscribers to my stance on Israel. Oh well their loss.

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Good to hear.

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Their loss indeed, Malcolm. Your wealth of knowledge and experience make you essential reading on Substack.

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It really shows how under appreciated the work in counterintelligence goes by those of us that truly need to heed its lessons on meta narrative framing, active measures & more. Along with holding our Press & social media platforms more accountable with other institutions.

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Fantastic ! I really miss you. I will always support your work. You are on the right side of history Chief.

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You're a national treasure.

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Oh me too It was years ago. After that kid ( I can’t name)whose mom drove him another state and killed two people was let off the hook I mentioned that the twerp was a murderer and should be put in jail. I was banned for life

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truer words have never been spoken.

I fear there's too many IGNORANT PEOPLE IN OUR WORLD(S) TODAY.

I am afraid for our Future.

Jo Anne

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It appears approximately 1/3 of humans can't or don't think very well, whether from fetal trauma, early childhood deprivations, poor parental role modeling, bad schools, too much social media time, etc etc. It is so much easier to go with ones emotions than to reason things out. In addition to worrying about the election itself, I worry about the aftermath if Trump loses badly...what will he and his enablers do to keep the results from being certified at the state level, dragging everything out in the courts for months and months and promoting general chaos.... We had better be prepared for just about anything!

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Nah just make them serve four years in the military and if necessary have them study while in boot camp. Reading, writing, maths,and history as well as civics. They will learn a great deal about structure. Tactical skills and strategies that will help them to develop complex thinking and strategy that will help wipe out their narcissism. It’s not just about fighting but about cohesion as a group and love for each other. Based on what shrink discuss boot camps will breakthrough tough DSM 5 levels unless they are the terrible triad. In which case send them to alternate levels of skill sets necessary for a special groups that are unmentionable.

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I am terrified too but kids get alternative new outside the five major corporations and bypass much more than then we do. They don’t want to live in a hellscape and will never be happy with the way things are. They just have to find alternative options to be able to think,thrive and believe a future that is better than what they see now. LETS GO GET THEM OUT THE CULT OF ISLAM AND DEPROGRAMMED THEM TO BE THE BEST OF THE TWENTIES AND THIRTIES.

Structure from the military will educate and teach them proper education and knowledge of history and civics,civility, honor and respect for their own. I learned,loved, and cried when my airman died. I’m proud of all I served with and loved all my guys. We studied hard ,fought hard, and played hard. I did of course flunked drinking but I hung with Tier 1. I was only EOD BUT MARRIED A DEVGU . What a great time and a sad time. Always awake like I’ve never been before and often asleep in whatever place in the world.



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Thank you. Malcolm is not fucking around, is right, and I'm right behind him. In it to win. It's clear, the real fight begins. Make the GOP a giant failure for the next 40 years.

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Good to hear from you, Chief. I'm going to lay out a baseball analogy, since I'm a lifelong seamhead. This election is like the ultimate pennant race. Contending ballclubs can't tolerate "clubhouse issues" in a pennant race. These selfish, ignorant words and acts are the political equivalent of "clubhouse issues". These folks need to get over themselves. All of our asses are on the line. The stakes are higher than they've ever been. After we win, we can all deal with our "clubhouse issues". In the meantime, use your brain and back Joe Biden. I'm too fucking old to fight a Civil War. Take care, Chief and be safe out there.🇺🇸🇺🇸

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I tried to make a remark similar to one Malcolm made here about how shocking the antisemitism in America is right now on *hitter the other day. It came out dyslexic. But, never in my lifetime did I think I would ever see what’s happening to America’s young & some middle aged people with this war on Jews. I told my younger brother 8 years ago who had just left being one of the hill 100 how close Trump mimicked Hitler in his speeches. My brother at that time thought I was exaggerating. I wasn’t. I think we need to make a collective effort when we see /meet young people to remind them of the horrors their great grandpa, grandads bore witness too.

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Well, Malcolm, this essay is depressing AF. But unfortunately, it rings true on all accounts. I'm just hoping the pro-Gaza sentiment (which means anti-Israel, pro-Hamas and anti-Biden) is really just a smallish minority of people and that there is a majority who really don't care one way or the other and that their vote will be based on things closer to home like women's bodily autonomy and civil rights.

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We are lucky to have you, Sir. All five people in my family are disabled and some also have mental illness. I shudder to think of what will become of the countless folks who depend on the meager SSDI payments to live. What will happen when insurance companies can do whatever they want and put caps on healthcare visits? How will people afford their medication? I've told those who are showing their asses by claiming they have to "follow their heart" that they better check and see if they really do have a heart since they don't seem to give a damn about the disabled, women, gay, trans, POC, elderly, children... Need I go on? I'm so tired, Chief. How can I protect my kids?

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