I don't blame Trump and the Republican party. I knew what they are about. I blame the ones who voted for them. And the ones who didn't vote. And 3rd party voters.
Also, with Trump's minerals extortion gambit: read Adam Hochshild's "King Leopold's Ghost" and see what happens to a country when a foreign leader obtains an exclusive pipeline to its natural resources (in this case, the Congo). And that dynamic is called:
ENSLAVEMENT. It's cruel, very cruel. And I'm not exaggerating.
Exactly! Extortion is what I said.
I don't blame Trump and the Republican party. I knew what they are about. I blame the ones who voted for them. And the ones who didn't vote. And 3rd party voters.
Uhhhh … I blame ALL of them.
Michael and Malcolm experiencing the harsh realities of Mid-Hudson Cable.
Has anyone written the definitive history of cable in NYC?
That would read like a John Le Carré novel.
Also, with Trump's minerals extortion gambit: read Adam Hochshild's "King Leopold's Ghost" and see what happens to a country when a foreign leader obtains an exclusive pipeline to its natural resources (in this case, the Congo). And that dynamic is called:
ENSLAVEMENT. It's cruel, very cruel. And I'm not exaggerating.
These two are my absolute favorite combo! Full of energy and knowledge...
Same ’ol, same ’ol.
TR had his Square Deal.
FDR his New Deal.
Chump has his unSquare Deal.
Bend over, Chump is about to service your account.
“If power is left lying around, the wrong person will walk over and pick it up.”
– David Crosby
Guess Who walked by. Mr Wrong.
Of course it's the US consumer that absorbs the lion's share of most tariffs on goods imported from sanctioned countries, Micheal.
and WH going to Moscow bc telephones don’t work for 30 day ceasefire Ukraine wants peace