I doubt if non-violence is gonna cut it. I hate thinking it, but Democrats are not the majority that are armed, and most military facilities are in Red Country. The only thing that will rid us of this scourge is someone on the inside with a set of brass cobblers and no plans for a future. I don’t like martyrdom, but it needs to be one of them planning en masse. Either way, the country is already done
Vietcong certainly were, and the IRA accomplished (some of) their aims to be able to participate politically in N Ireland and to this day have not surrendered.
The original Sandinistas overthrew their government and initially did some good. Of course they changed and were defeated later on.
It would seem they have selected that leader, according to what Henri Speak said and believed, send us a man be he God or the devil we will accept him? 😂 As in not 🤣
"There’s a lot more armed “liberals” than people realize." - I agree (lifelong liberal, here), but I don't expect liberals to be as indiscriminate with violence (especially 1:1) as militia and the like.
Our coming 🟦Rebellion leading to the 🟦 Revolution to take back America can embody non-violence as an example to the world. But, I am not so naive as to think that the Authoritarian Regime of 🍊Hitler is not infused with white right-wing supremacist LEO (Law Enforcement Officers), militias, and complicit military command and rank-in-file. There will be blood🩸! Let most of it be ours. The 2004🟧Revolution in Ukraine proves it can be done. American Patriots are no less capable. I will be on the front lines. I will stand with you and in front. With you and in front!
Sir, your righteous anger is cathartic. We are screaming with you. I am with you- daughter of a Navy radio operator and retired firefighter and nurse, we fight until we take America back. It's up to us - Washington is lost right now. But we can do this. My husband's ancestors were Scottish prisoners of war transported to Massachusetts in colonial times, who fought in the American Revolution, side by side with George Washington. The wee bit of First Nations blood and the blood of my immigrant ancestors that runs through my veins boils. We are not leaving, we are not turning our backs, we are not letting them off, we are fighting, this is our land, our country, our people, our freedom. We kicked tyrants out of this land before, we're up for it again Bring it! We are with you!
Thank you for sharing this Politico article. I believe Trump wants to use Erik Prince's resources (starting with Trump I), especially in Africa. Africa Command being dissolved makes this more likely (on that continent.) Mass arrests, processing, transportation, and incarceration (even in camps) would disrupt daily life, at least in the lower 48 states, on a scale not seen since WWII (if then.) I think this approach appeals to Trump's manic personality but would crash the economy, school systems, healthcare, and more.
President Dunning-Kruger has undone decades of international relations in less than 30 days in office. Far too many Americans have not yet realized that the same Russian threat against Ukraine 3 years ago, has been repeatedly made by Trump against Canada: ANNEXATION. To Annex, isn't an invitation to join, but a naked threat of military conquest.
Guy parked in front of the AT&T store in the Greenport plaza in Hudson the other day with the eagle stickers and related sh*t on his truck... sticker on the rearview window with a sneaking figure in a hoodie (made to represent guess who) and another sticker next to it that says, "shoot 'em."
If he'd have gotten out of his Hemi I woulda said (sweetly, in my old-ish lady fashion), "you a racist, hon?"
One of these days I'm gonna get punched in the face.
I'm the one on the left in the profile picture above.
Don't do that Sally. I have some bumper stickers for you to use as revenge that say, "Don't pretend your racism is patriotism." Please drop by the house and get some.
Robert Reich's substack today sums up Trump's game plan:
"The real story is this.
In every part of the government that involves the use of force — the military, the investigation and prosecution of crimes, the authority to arrest, the capacity to hold individuals in jail — Trump is putting into power people who are more loyal to him than they are to the United States.
He has purged (or is in the process of purging) at the highest levels of the Department of Defense, the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the Inspectors General, and the FBI, anyone who is not personally loyal to him.
Trump is rapidly gaining a personal monopoly on the use of force. This is his most fundamental goal. This is the essence of tyranny."
If Trump does acquire a monopoly on the use of force, then any violence will be brutally oppressed. Ghandi was dealing with polite Englishmen, not Hitler on steroids. I question whether non-violence alone will have an impact on the MAGA mob.
The reality is we have transitioned into a "banana republic" run by a dictator and his henchmen. Experience in South America and elsewhere with tyrants has been a military coup to restore order and provide sanctuary for a new government to be formed.
How will the U.S. Armed Forces react to the assault on their sacred duty to protect the nation rather than to empower a tyrant? Trump has no honor and has voiced contempt for those who do. He does not comprehend the sacred purpose of being willing to sacrifice your life to protect others. Yes, martial law is a drastic action, but that seems to be the direction we're heading as a nation.
The reality is that they are using the home grown CIA coup strategy against the United States. And yes, it works. Preparing the ground, or "flooding the zone" as Bannon calls it, involves creating so much fear and chaos, the voters will give away their freedoms for normality. This is a pre-meditated, organized, and determined takeover of democracy.
"The reality is we have transitioned into a "banana republic" run by a dictator and his henchmen." - Banana republics do not have a nuclear triad, weapons and people in space, and the ability to disrupt the flow of electricity citywide or wider (EMP.) Banana republics are usually inward-facing, too. Our situation is exponentially worse. This is a synthesis of Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Roy Cohn, and Trump's childish yearning to be loved and feared simultaneously. Manafort was successful in facilitating similar changes abroad. Stone has yearned to punish liberals on a nationwide scale since the 70's. Bannon (for all his bluster) is very intelligent, articulate, knowledgeable, and capable of swaying people quickly and easily. Roy Cohn imprinted Trump.
Yes, the U.S. is now a nuclear-armed banana republic able (and willing) to wreak havoc worldwide which is all the more reason why the military will eventually have to step in and restore order.
I used to roll my eyes when someone compared today to Nazi Germany, but no longer. We have been here before, don't let it happen again.
There is a letter circulating from Roger Stone about taking guns away from the Democrats. I have the letter. I can’t upload it or copy and paste it here.
And the uprising is March 14th in DC. It is a big one. We all need to attend. We’d like it if you would speak. I also have a flier for the March. Again, can’t put it here, but am circulating it on substack.
You do not stand alone, Chief. In attendance at last weekend's demonstration at our state capital in Olympia (in my US Navy sweatshirt) I met a CPO in his full dress blues! The pushback has already started.
I’ve started to believe the reason The Musk Minions are taking data about the rest of us from U.S. Govt. servers and systems is to share it with militias (including some of the recently released January 6th Felons) as a means of threatening or confronting the rest of us when resistance takes form. I hope I’m completely wrong about this but reducing headcount primarily of one “classification” (probationary employee) across Agencies doesn’t require connecting (DOGE) servers to government networks. OPM has all the data and “access” one needs. I think these firings are a smokescreen: These are modestly paid govt employees. Major $$$ is in consulting and contracting personnel (especially at 3-letter agencies + DoD) and no mention of cuts in those ranks.
I was not even shocked to see what the Orange Turd did yesterday. What I was shocked about was the streets weren’t filled with pissed off people today! Demanding that this Orange Turd Traitor be hauled out of the White House and strung up! WAKE UP AMERICANS we are in with the likes of North Korea and Russia! How in the Fuck does that make you feel!
We have lost all are dignity,trust and respect of our allies! All in a day! Lord have mercy!
I doubt if non-violence is gonna cut it. I hate thinking it, but Democrats are not the majority that are armed, and most military facilities are in Red Country. The only thing that will rid us of this scourge is someone on the inside with a set of brass cobblers and no plans for a future. I don’t like martyrdom, but it needs to be one of them planning en masse. Either way, the country is already done
We are now a Charlie Uniform Nevada Tango Romeo Yankee
A Canadian Legion will stand side by side with Americans that do what then need to do to eliminate MAGA.
Back at ya Canada, together we survive and win
Join us in our 🟦Rebellion. It's coming and right soon!
Is it? Tell us more.
There’s a lot more armed “liberals” than people realize. We just don’t parade around like Meal Team Six and the Gravy Seals….
There are still more of them.
Every resistance starts outnumbered. From the IRA to the Sandinistas to the Vietcong, you don’t have to look hard to find examples.
I don’t want that to happen as I am not an idiot. But, I also have faith in the people to rise up.
Or, all is truly lost.
All 3 of them were not very successfu examples.
The IRA never surrendered to the Brits.
Vietcong certainly were, and the IRA accomplished (some of) their aims to be able to participate politically in N Ireland and to this day have not surrendered.
The original Sandinistas overthrew their government and initially did some good. Of course they changed and were defeated later on.
I’m not celebrating any of them.
But I think you get my drift.
Those are examples of righteous struggle. There have been many more. (Sadly not acknowledged in the mainstream)
they're mostly what you see on tiktok, drink beer and shoot microwaves, and they don't commit to anything other than that
It would seem they have selected that leader, according to what Henri Speak said and believed, send us a man be he God or the devil we will accept him? 😂 As in not 🤣
"There’s a lot more armed “liberals” than people realize." - I agree (lifelong liberal, here), but I don't expect liberals to be as indiscriminate with violence (especially 1:1) as militia and the like.
Experienced bully haters!
I walked those railroad tracks alone. Still have your tools.
I can be if needed, hopefully not but can be.
Our coming 🟦Rebellion leading to the 🟦 Revolution to take back America can embody non-violence as an example to the world. But, I am not so naive as to think that the Authoritarian Regime of 🍊Hitler is not infused with white right-wing supremacist LEO (Law Enforcement Officers), militias, and complicit military command and rank-in-file. There will be blood🩸! Let most of it be ours. The 2004🟧Revolution in Ukraine proves it can be done. American Patriots are no less capable. I will be on the front lines. I will stand with you and in front. With you and in front!
Preach, neighbor.
Read Gene Sharp. He is the Clauswitz of nonviolence. Read from Du Watership to Democracy.
Thank you for pointing this out. I found "Fighting Tyranny" which includes both From Dictatorship to Democracy - and The Anti-Coup.
welcome to the resistance.
Read From Dictatorship to Democracy by Gene Sharp.
Sir, your righteous anger is cathartic. We are screaming with you. I am with you- daughter of a Navy radio operator and retired firefighter and nurse, we fight until we take America back. It's up to us - Washington is lost right now. But we can do this. My husband's ancestors were Scottish prisoners of war transported to Massachusetts in colonial times, who fought in the American Revolution, side by side with George Washington. The wee bit of First Nations blood and the blood of my immigrant ancestors that runs through my veins boils. We are not leaving, we are not turning our backs, we are not letting them off, we are fighting, this is our land, our country, our people, our freedom. We kicked tyrants out of this land before, we're up for it again Bring it! We are with you!
Sir, please look at this. PMCs offering to join the mass deportations.
First they came for the Immigrants
And I did not speak out
Because I was not an Immigrant…..
We know where this goes.
Thank you for sharing this Politico article. I believe Trump wants to use Erik Prince's resources (starting with Trump I), especially in Africa. Africa Command being dissolved makes this more likely (on that continent.) Mass arrests, processing, transportation, and incarceration (even in camps) would disrupt daily life, at least in the lower 48 states, on a scale not seen since WWII (if then.) I think this approach appeals to Trump's manic personality but would crash the economy, school systems, healthcare, and more.
President Dunning-Kruger has undone decades of international relations in less than 30 days in office. Far too many Americans have not yet realized that the same Russian threat against Ukraine 3 years ago, has been repeatedly made by Trump against Canada: ANNEXATION. To Annex, isn't an invitation to join, but a naked threat of military conquest.
I'm here for it Malcolm!! I'm with you and the whole Second Revolution!
Guy parked in front of the AT&T store in the Greenport plaza in Hudson the other day with the eagle stickers and related sh*t on his truck... sticker on the rearview window with a sneaking figure in a hoodie (made to represent guess who) and another sticker next to it that says, "shoot 'em."
If he'd have gotten out of his Hemi I woulda said (sweetly, in my old-ish lady fashion), "you a racist, hon?"
One of these days I'm gonna get punched in the face.
I'm the one on the left in the profile picture above.
The one on the right voted for Trump.
The picture is from better days.
Don't do that Sally. I have some bumper stickers for you to use as revenge that say, "Don't pretend your racism is patriotism." Please drop by the house and get some.
Ok, sign me up. When’s good?
I also want to take a picture of your lawn sign, but I don’t wanna be creepy, so…
seckhoff@mac.com is me, if you wanna drop me a line.
At least that hasn't been hacked...yet.
I would like those stickers!
Thanks for everything you're doing.
Robert Reich's substack today sums up Trump's game plan:
"The real story is this.
In every part of the government that involves the use of force — the military, the investigation and prosecution of crimes, the authority to arrest, the capacity to hold individuals in jail — Trump is putting into power people who are more loyal to him than they are to the United States.
He has purged (or is in the process of purging) at the highest levels of the Department of Defense, the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the Inspectors General, and the FBI, anyone who is not personally loyal to him.
Trump is rapidly gaining a personal monopoly on the use of force. This is his most fundamental goal. This is the essence of tyranny."
If Trump does acquire a monopoly on the use of force, then any violence will be brutally oppressed. Ghandi was dealing with polite Englishmen, not Hitler on steroids. I question whether non-violence alone will have an impact on the MAGA mob.
The reality is we have transitioned into a "banana republic" run by a dictator and his henchmen. Experience in South America and elsewhere with tyrants has been a military coup to restore order and provide sanctuary for a new government to be formed.
How will the U.S. Armed Forces react to the assault on their sacred duty to protect the nation rather than to empower a tyrant? Trump has no honor and has voiced contempt for those who do. He does not comprehend the sacred purpose of being willing to sacrifice your life to protect others. Yes, martial law is a drastic action, but that seems to be the direction we're heading as a nation.
The reality is that they are using the home grown CIA coup strategy against the United States. And yes, it works. Preparing the ground, or "flooding the zone" as Bannon calls it, involves creating so much fear and chaos, the voters will give away their freedoms for normality. This is a pre-meditated, organized, and determined takeover of democracy.
greasy banon
"The reality is we have transitioned into a "banana republic" run by a dictator and his henchmen." - Banana republics do not have a nuclear triad, weapons and people in space, and the ability to disrupt the flow of electricity citywide or wider (EMP.) Banana republics are usually inward-facing, too. Our situation is exponentially worse. This is a synthesis of Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Roy Cohn, and Trump's childish yearning to be loved and feared simultaneously. Manafort was successful in facilitating similar changes abroad. Stone has yearned to punish liberals on a nationwide scale since the 70's. Bannon (for all his bluster) is very intelligent, articulate, knowledgeable, and capable of swaying people quickly and easily. Roy Cohn imprinted Trump.
Manafart is never taken out of the closet?
Yes, the U.S. is now a nuclear-armed banana republic able (and willing) to wreak havoc worldwide which is all the more reason why the military will eventually have to step in and restore order.
I used to roll my eyes when someone compared today to Nazi Germany, but no longer. We have been here before, don't let it happen again.
There is a letter circulating from Roger Stone about taking guns away from the Democrats. I have the letter. I can’t upload it or copy and paste it here.
Promise what?? To take guns away from Dems and let Republican whack jobs keep theirs? Insane.
And the uprising is March 14th in DC. It is a big one. We all need to attend. We’d like it if you would speak. I also have a flier for the March. Again, can’t put it here, but am circulating it on substack.
It needs to be more than DC. Every state capital, every county seat.
This is THE BIG ONE!!!!! As many as we can get to DC!
And those that can't get there must act locally.
You do not stand alone, Chief. In attendance at last weekend's demonstration at our state capital in Olympia (in my US Navy sweatshirt) I met a CPO in his full dress blues! The pushback has already started.
I’ve started to believe the reason The Musk Minions are taking data about the rest of us from U.S. Govt. servers and systems is to share it with militias (including some of the recently released January 6th Felons) as a means of threatening or confronting the rest of us when resistance takes form. I hope I’m completely wrong about this but reducing headcount primarily of one “classification” (probationary employee) across Agencies doesn’t require connecting (DOGE) servers to government networks. OPM has all the data and “access” one needs. I think these firings are a smokescreen: These are modestly paid govt employees. Major $$$ is in consulting and contracting personnel (especially at 3-letter agencies + DoD) and no mention of cuts in those ranks.
I was not even shocked to see what the Orange Turd did yesterday. What I was shocked about was the streets weren’t filled with pissed off people today! Demanding that this Orange Turd Traitor be hauled out of the White House and strung up! WAKE UP AMERICANS we are in with the likes of North Korea and Russia! How in the Fuck does that make you feel!
We have lost all are dignity,trust and respect of our allies! All in a day! Lord have mercy!