No election will curb the Supremes. But let's look at this immunity ruling as a gift to OUR SIDE. With this gift of immunity, President Biden can order Seal Team 6 to arrest and indefinitely detain Trump, his flunkies, and the corrupt Supreme Court Justices and send them all to Guantanamo. The anti-democratic forces invented their own demise, and we should demand Biden use this weapon (we never asked for) in our defense. Indefinite dentention and Presidential immunity makes it possible to restore health to democracy. Without Trump and the Justices' corrupting presence, America has a chance to make laws to restore the rule of law and promote democracy. Let's pressure Biden to use this ghastly ruling against the very people who invented it.

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Jul 3Liked by Malcolm Nance

This is a dark time that people need to understand that these folks, these idolaters are not playing games. They’re not joking around. The GOP & the crazy needs to be soundly defeated across the country at every level as best as possible. Or the dark nature of this country will prevail & the horrors of the past will return.

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Jul 3Liked by Malcolm Nance

Nothing like a good, old school kick in the ass to wake us up, Malcolm. This is an existential moment. For each of us individually and collectively as a nation. We will not go down quietly into the night. If it is a fight MAGA wants, it is a fight they will get. Use the new found power and immunity to take on MAGA and do to them first, to preserve the nation. We cannot fight by different sets of rules, not when our existence is at stake.

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We shouldn’t have to fight the Republicans and the Democrats at the same time. Destroying our own is a self-fulfilling prophecy and our party never learns from their mistakes, nor does our “press”

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Malcolm, I have been thinking. I want to organize post-election audits. Any volunteers? (Look up risk-limiting audits. Check out writings of Jonathan D. Simon) If the elections can be saved, democracy can be saved.

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I volunteer 🙋‍♀️

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Thanks. My email is (bystrc@rpi.edu). We'll set up a meeting.

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I'm in. I'll get to your email later this afternoon. This is a good start

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I’ll get to you before Monday

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I am on deck. Will email.

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I was an election worker in Alameda County, California, for 12 years. In that time, I never saw a single instance of attempted election fraud. Of course, I was in Berkeley, but still, if you have confidence in your election system, I think you should do something else.

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Were you there for the Clinton/Sanders primary in 2016? But to your point, maybe not. But audits are easy and they don't hurt anyone. They should increase confidence!

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Yes, my last year was 2018. I usually worked in the same precinct or area, and I often knew voters after the first few years. I also asked simple questions and determined if people had moved recently or had the same roommates. People just donʼt think about lying about where they live when voting. And despite ID not being required, about half the people walk in holding out their ID.

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Did you ever audit the vote? Do they do that in Alameda Cty? (where I grew up btw)

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The Registrar of Voters takes a representative sample (Iʼm not sure how large) to see if the percentages in the sample match the voting results and publish it along with the results.

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So step one will be to talk with the Registrar of Voters. Maybe they'll talk to me if I use my Livermore address...?

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I'm in but I think we should do a group for pre-election organizing and getting out the vote. Voter registration and plans of action long before the election. miketenzer@gmail.com for anybody wanting to gather in Miami by City Hall Once A week. Freedom Fridays! Having a happy hour couldn't hurt. First rounds on me for whoever shows up. I will try to get a group of five to hit City Hall this Friday Independence Day 2.0 or 5.0 or indy22 whatever it is now

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Happy hour! Makes me wish I was in Miami. Good luck. For now let's continue to post here.

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Thank you! Working on it!

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Malcolm, imho, you & your voice need to be seen & heard by the masses again. Come back above ground, asap, puhleez. I used to watch you on cable networks & wonder how this guy knew ahead of everyone what was going to happen next? Time to get out there again. Remember the Seinfeld episode where George yelled “SERENITY NOW?” Well, let’s borrow that with a twist: “DEMOCRACY NOW!”

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When I joined the Ukrainian army I left MSNBC. They don’t like having people involved in the story commentating. Crazy but true. I’m out there, just not on cable.

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Chief, you clearly are out there. Keep fighting the fight, telling us about it, and bring more on board. Besides, while TV talking head is “nice”, given what we have seen in the last week it ain’t worth a damn!

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Senior Chief, your voice needs to be louder than the hordes of Quislings and Vichy Dems and more available to the masses than the Lord Haw Haws spewing in the current media.

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I posted this on Facebook and they took it down, claiming it broke rules. 🤬

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Me too

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I'm confused. You posted Malcolm's essay, and Facebook rejected it?! On what grounds?

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Roolz? Which one? Being anti Trump?

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Spam, and they took it down within seconds

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I just shares it and they removed it and said I was going against community standards and watned me.lol

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Warned and said I was sharing and misleading people...

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Me too

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Shit like that is why I deleted Facebook.

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Iʼve never been on Facebook but I must say, the rules on posting on Yahoo are bizarre.

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this happened to me as well.

I made a separate comment before I read this thread.

I think it is the photograph that made them reject it so quickly.

On the other hand, here are FACTS.


(They had been suspended for a long list of reasons, not the least of which is one out of ten are likely innocent victims.)

He executed thirteen people during his one term.

FIVE of those were AFTER he LOST the 2020 Election

(November to Inauguration Day).

On January 6, 2021 he KNEW some of his supporters were armed, yet directed them to the US Capitol, watched the deadly rioting on television. He then exacerbated the lethal danger by Tweeting against Vice President Mike Pence so that the rioters erected a gallows, hung an orange-colored noose, and chanted "Hang Mike Pence." The VP's Secret Security detail made "last" calls to their family as they went from sheltering in place to evacuation from the building.

This is absolutely the natural inclination of Donald Trump.

"Necktie party," anyone? He's eager to hold public lynchings.

He called for the executions of the now Exonerated Five and NEVER APOLOGIZED.

He repeatedly calls for individuals to be "executed."

He said he could "shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any voters."

He repeats calls for "military tribunals" for those courageous enough to hold him to account, like former Representative Liz Cheney.

He tells his rallies "I am your retribution."

And he tries to play the victim,

to pretend President Joe Biden was trying to assassinate him,

over the wording in standard search warrant forms.

First, President Biden was not involved in the search (and cooperated when documents were located at his residence.)

Second, djt was not even on the premises when the search warrant was carried out, arrangements having been made in advance with the FBI and his Secret Service detail.

The actions to prosecute him in regard to the need to recover boxes of documents he stole, stored, hid, refused to return, lied to the government and his lawyers about, and reportedly shared with others have ever since been obstructed by the partisan (and unfit) Judge Cannon. By all reports, she is being fitted for a Supreme Court Associate Justice's robe should he regain the White House.

He has said there must be some sort of punishment for women who have abortions - some judges are calling for capital punishment.

He wants to shoot protesters and asylum seekers.

He plans to pardon and release hundreds of convicted supporters.

Lastly, and of course, always remember he calls white supremacists, Nazis, Confederates, Proud Boys and other armed groups, and domestic terrorists "very fine people." His sycophants in Congress call the "January 6 tourists."

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I post my pro-Ukraine artwork, including some VERY anti-Putin anti-Russia art, on Facebook and never (yet) had anything removed. Maybe because I'm an artist and it's clearly my artwork? I don't know...I really don't like FB but I had the account for years. I generally dislike all social media, but I do use X occasionally and IG, haven't been flagged/removed yet.

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I'm hoping that President Biden has been talking to the White House Counsel since the 6 assholes gave royal fucking authority to the office of the President. Mad??!??! I'm a ticking time bomb. We need to fuck with the enemy in every way possible. The media whores and the "consulting class" in the Democratic Party can fuck all the way off. Let's get it done, Chief.

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Won’t back down

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Jul 3Liked by Malcolm Nance

Does anybody realise they just made High Crimes and Misdemeanors legal? Impeachment is no longer an available part of the Constitution.

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Hmmm... OK, some grassroots work is helpful, but unless there is a focus, a leader then it all will fizzle out like the Women against Trump movement. No leader emerged and the energies dissipated. Yeah, the Supremes are infuriating, but it takes a President and a Congress to take action.

The first crisis is the fallout from Biden's pathetic showing at the debate. Someone wisely pointed out that debates don't change thoughts, they change feelings. We all saw an old, weak candidate and that is now seared into our collective psyches. Yes, it is time to get angry about having to elect Biden when he is obviously not physically and mentally up to the job. We are being told democracy is at stake, and it literally is, so why are we gambling with someone who demonstrated they're not strong enough to endure the fight to come? If we don't have a dynamic, powerful leader apathy and indecision will prevail and Trump will win by default just like he did against an unpopular Hilary Clinton. How many times do we have to crash into the brick wall before we alter our course?

Biden is a profoundly good man and an outstanding public servant, but he can't beat aging. The office of the President rapidly ages whoever enters the meat grinder and the next four years will not be pretty for an already frail Biden. FDR was infirm and died in office, but he was leading a united and focused nation through WWII. Biden does not have a similar situation and the MAGA crowd is in full Civil War mode. We need a fierce, charismatic leader to channel our anger into assertive action and good ol' Joe is not that person. He needs to bow out of the nomination and hand the standard to someone who can fan the flames of passion and anger to challenge the bullies and crooks.

We witnessed the opening volley of authoritarian Civil War during the January 6 insurrection endorsed and prompted by Trump and his fascist thugs. Since then we have had committees and hearings but no real retaliation for such a blatant attack on the foundations of this nation. The courts are all but shut down and there will be no trials until after the election. That means we need a grassroots mandate for a Presidential candidate and Congressional candidates with fire in their bellies willing to get their hands dirty fighting fire with fire.

The purpose of the DNC is to identify and groom party leadership. They played it safe with Biden against Trump hoping sanity would prevail. It did but just barely. Playing it safe is not a winning strategy in post Trump fractured America. We need someone to embody enthusiasm, audacity, and chutzpah. This is the critical job one and the foundation upon which all else can be built. Write your Congress and Democratic Party representatives and demand new leadership for the Party (and hopefully the nation). There is no time for hesitation or hand wringing. Joe must go...

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I’m going to use your comment about the opening volley is an authoritarian Civil War on radio today if you don’t mind👍🏾

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Please do… Someone pointed out that Biden’s greatest opponent is the couch. If we can’t ignite a fire in the belly of progressives, apathy, despair, and Trump will win like in the Hilary - Trump race.

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Where on the radio?

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It's much more insidious than I had thought. Here's a vid featuring California congressman Jared Huffman, talking about Project 2025 and why we need to squash it like a bug.


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deletedJul 4
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But Debbie, he's on our side. He's a leader of the committee against Project 2025...

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I’m so embarrassed it was way too late. I meant Roberts. So thank you and I will delete. I really appreciate and won’t comment when this exhausted.

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THANK YOU, Malcolm!

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We don't just need to organize in order to win elections, we need to organize to resist the disinformation that is flooding our society. We need to demand -and take economic action in order to achieve -a fact-based media environment. World War III has already started and right now it's a war of information. That's a war we must win no matter what else happens, because if we don't have the ability to discern the truth from the lies, it won't matter who we elect or what other war we win - we will still lose.

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Yes sir

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Conservative Supreme Court justices are now the clear and present danger to our democracy. Along with the Orange Baboon. Hay Joe how about seal team six!

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