I’m leaving. I think I can do more good from somewhere else. I’m too old to physically fight, but my brain is sharp as a tack. There are other ways to attack this situation as far as I see what’s going on here if you don’t change the hearts and minds of people this will come to fruition and you are 100% correct
Maybe we can stop some of it and maybe we can’t. If we cannot, it’s going to take decades if ever to regain our country and who knows how it will be splintered or what else will happen you are seeing the loss of the union and I agree with you completely on this
Well, more likely than not it won’t happen all at one time. There are certainly a great many places in the world to live. We have a fascinating planet full of the most interesting people.
Thanks, dear Malcolm, for your passion and warrior/intel officer experience, but I choose not to get my view of reality from the mind of a 2yo (Tramp, not you), who belongs on one my locked psych units for the criminally insane. Trying to rationalize ANYTHING from Tramp's infantile mind is a fool's errand, and, Malcolm, your mama didn't raise no fool, right? You are not alone! Gregg
It may be that trump putin and Xi all just agree that they will divide the world into three pieces. I have no idea. This is so insane. Personally, I don't think the military is made up of blind zombies.
Many years ago I game planned the destruction of the US empathising into the mindset of a hostile player like Putin. I am a bit of a geek that way, constantly alert to possible existential dangers consequent upon a broken childhood of neglect and abuse. You would go for the obvious weak points in the society and its place in the global order and pound on them. Firstly, you would infiltrate the wealthiest cartels/hedgefunds in Wall Street and the City of London. In the US you would reignite a race war, attack women’s rights and emphasise economic and cultural iniquities via Murdochian and social mass media. In tandem with this you would fund the anti US and NATO powers in the ongoing global trouble hot wars and economically troubled nation states. Finally, you would create trouble on the northern Canadian and southern Mexican US borders. I did not foresee any ground invasion of either country. However, Russo-MAGA are made up of wealthy oligarchs hungry for evermore reource exploitation profiteering, so although it may not be a direct order from Putin, this action follows the logic of a successful longterm infiltration by him to destroy the US and the postwar international political order from within.
Your logic checks out, honestly—especially the parts about exploiting Wall Street-driven inequality, weaponizing culture-war shit through Murdoch and social media, and stirring border chaos. I don't think it's some perfectly coordinated mastermind plan where Putin puppeteers every MAGA loudmouth from afar, but he's absolutely smart enough to capitalize on America's existing self-inflicted mess. He's not playing 4D chess—he's just tossing matches onto a fire we've already lit ourselves.
If Trump and Putin's real goal is to "crash / collapse" America (so its parts can be sold off to the highest bidders), I can think of no better way that to invade Canada. Of course, there are other destabilizing schemes I've heard about (shutting down the Dept of Education so Mike Johnson's wet dream of education that is Christo-Fascist based becomes American policy, for example) that could cause "rioting in the streets". But invading Canada? ... that's something I don't think Hollywood could dream up.
My question is.. What is Trump / Putin's end objective? Is it really breaking up America? Or is it creating a Fascist territory throughout North America?
Your thoughts?
PS I'm a new paid subscriber, so I can post thoughts like these. Thanks for all you do.
Best answer Ive heard on this Xi gets all of Asia(Taiwan), Pvtin all of Europe, and Trvmp all North America. They think they can take over the globe. It aint gonna happen. Id like to see all of them beside that guy in S.C. prison yard soon.
If they think they can do that, who's gonna stop them from at least trying? And if they "try"... that (to me) means WWIII. Of course, Trump is known to be so full of hate (both for the world and self-hate) that I believe he secretly desires to "go out with a bang". God help us all.
Trump might be reckless and driven by ego, but he's also fundamentally cowardly. He's more about bluffing, bullying, and pushing boundaries to get concessions rather than actually triggering a global conflict he knows he can't control. He's far more interested in personal power and profit than a grand apocalyptic scenario. The real risk isn't him intentionally going out "with a bang," but stumbling blindly into something dangerous because he's too shortsighted to see where he's headed. I'm more worried about Trump’s incompetence rather than a death wish.
Look up the 'Technate of North America'. Substack author Jim Stewartson has a few posts about it. Basically it's a concept to carve up the world into several major zones of influence as in Orwell's 1984. A fascist North America extending from Greenland to South America is one of them. 'Eurasia' under Russian domination and 'Eastasia' under China's are the other main blocks.
I think we will have an overthrow over our country by our military before an invasion or civil war. Our Thug president is not making friends with our armed forces and vets. And our police forces possess too much military equipment not to be a serious threat to the Feds
I am not a military person but wouldn’t it cause moral injury to our troops if they were ordered to invade Canada or Greenland? What if the troops refuse to comply with orders?
Personally, I dont think they would do it. Canadians are like friends to me. Nothing Trvmp could ever do can make me fight them guess I'd be in the brig.
History instructor/lawyer here: Never forget the Civil War with brothers taking up arms against brothers. How many family Ed and friendships have already been split apart owing to MAGA/Trump/Musk??
This is so much more than Musk and the planning for this predates him by decades. This has been in the works for decades and came together under the auspices of the Heritage Foundation funded by oligarchs whose names you never hear. Trump’s tapping into the popular malaise made it possible to finally pull the planning together and execute as fast and as furiously and efficiently as possible. Musk is a latecomer who has provided some important capabilities to the execution.
Agree, "Democracy in Chains" by Nancy MacLean 2017. Koch brothers, evil long-term strategy to protect wealthy and capitalism from workers by restricting voting rights and seducing future judges with their "economic liberty" manifesto. They have nearly succeeded.
When I'm dealing personally with some messed-up shit, I frequently think of Hanlon's Razor ("never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity"). But there has to be a Trump Exception to that, where malice and stupidity co-exist in roughly equal quantites. That seems to be a hallmark of everything he does. The incompetence sometimes is both truly staggering and surprising. Malcolm, although I can't find much fault with your logic, we need to look at the trade wars of the last few weeks to see how Trump and his administration can not even execute a coherent effort in what should be a relatively straighforward trade policy. If he and his team planned something as major as this, I don't think it could get farther than a wet dream of a sociopath.
Autocratic dictators, unconcerned with accountability, simply learn from their mistakes and persist, ignoring or punishing those who mock them, while getting more effective - and cruel - with subsequent iterations.
My thoughts on this since it’s now open topic. I’m wondering if Donald and the kids thought about these things which most likely could happen if he’s serious:
Citizens clogging the freeways with parked cars. Putting themselves in front of moving columns of tanks. US citizens in open resistance of US forces moving through the country
Millions of Americans swarming the Mexican border in hopes of escaping an all out civil war.
Thousands of American citizens actively fighting for Canada.
And my favorite: NATO forces coming to Canadian assistance.
Are these possible scenarios on their risk assessment spreadsheets?
This is not outside the realm of the possible. It would lead to an incredible disaster that would devastate North America, destroy our military and shatter our society. It would only help Putin as Trump’s regime will meet its end.
Until the past few weeks I did not think that the leaders of our military would obey such orders, but despite all he has done without any resisting even the firing of General Brown and Admiral Franchetti and so many other attacks on the military by Trump and Hegseth I sincerely wonder if any will refuse his orders.
Regardless, we all must stand against him. As General Ludwig Beck who resigned from being Chief of the Army staff over Hitler’s planned invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1938 and died during Operation Valkyrie on 20 July 1944 said: “Final decisions about the nation’s existence are at stake here; history will incriminate these leaders with bloodguilt if they do not act in accordance with their specialist political knowledge and conscience. Their soldierly obedience reaches its limit when their knowledge, their conscience, and their responsibility forbid carrying out an order.”
The stuff of nightmares. I hate to think where we will all be a year from now. I'm in Hawaii and I have concerns of the Chinese having a bolder presence in the Pacific. Now this scenario you wrote about will weigh heavily. I don't think I could ever leave my lifelong island home; and I am too old to physically resist or embark on a life elsewhere. So I will take things day by day as I have been doing. Keep the info flowing to us--even if it is dark. It's our life now to absorb what is occurring. Mahalo for all you do. You are so appreciated.
Malcom, Here is my question to you. I participate in protests regularly in DC (going to 3 this month), active on social media encouraging others to resist and tell Dem leadership to grow a spine and start really pushing back on GOP like Al Green recently did. Perhaps most of all, involved in a group electiontruthalliance.org that has a very strong evidence that Trump is illegitimate, our analysis shows that voting software hack was present that discreetly flipped votes from Harris to Trump, just enough to be outside the margin of recount (that was Trump's and Kevin Roberts' of Heritage foundation, Secret). I am also suggesting that we form democratic patriot militias as the far right has militias in virtually every state. The problem, Americans are very apathetic, don't really care unless it directly affects them. So where do you think we should go at this point ? Thoughts ?
Malcom, Please note I have nothing but respect for you and your service to Ukraine but that said, I must beg to differ regarding democratic leadership coming to the rescue. As mentioned , I am a member of electiontruthalliance.org were we have looked at the data and there is strong evidence of software hack in voting tabulators that discreetly flipped votes from Harris to Trump, just enough to be outside the margin of a mandatory recount. If that hack is removed Harris would have won 5 out of 7 swing states with a final electoral count of Harris 285, Trump 253. We are currently trying to raise money for both an official audit and lawsuit against Trump in one of the swing states. The problem I see is that a trump friendly judge will dismiss case, MSM are too cowardly to cover it, American people are too apathetic to go to streets 24/7 even if they believed it. Most of all, democratic leadership has made it clear that a "good democratic" does not question election results. I could quote multiple examples of this but perhaps the best one is Harris ignoring 3 letters sent to her by cyber security expert Stephen Spoonamore urging her to recant her concession and demand a paper recount. Instead she went to Hawaii on vacation. Our current democratic leadership doesn't understand, there is not going to be a free/fair 2026 or beyond as long as Trump is confident that this hack, coordinated with the help of Musk and Putin, is still functioning in voting tabulators. My other concern is that from my social media postings I can see the vast majority of democrats don't want anything to do with preparing themselves (i.e., owning a firearm) from Trump 'brownshirt' or god help us, a second civil war. I feel they will be lambs to the slaughter with that attitude and that really, really concerns me.
I’m leaving. I think I can do more good from somewhere else. I’m too old to physically fight, but my brain is sharp as a tack. There are other ways to attack this situation as far as I see what’s going on here if you don’t change the hearts and minds of people this will come to fruition and you are 100% correct
Maybe we can stop some of it and maybe we can’t. If we cannot, it’s going to take decades if ever to regain our country and who knows how it will be splintered or what else will happen you are seeing the loss of the union and I agree with you completely on this
This is why I left the US for good in 2016. War will never touch every corner of the globe. Best decision I ever made.
Well, more likely than not it won’t happen all at one time. There are certainly a great many places in the world to live. We have a fascinating planet full of the most interesting people.
With America becoming the new menace to the world, no place will be unscathed. And we have a duty to the world to subdue this monster.
… with The Sword. 👍
I support you staying here and fighting that battle Virginia
Thanks, dear Malcolm, for your passion and warrior/intel officer experience, but I choose not to get my view of reality from the mind of a 2yo (Tramp, not you), who belongs on one my locked psych units for the criminally insane. Trying to rationalize ANYTHING from Tramp's infantile mind is a fool's errand, and, Malcolm, your mama didn't raise no fool, right? You are not alone! Gregg
I agree with you in part. But I wonder if in this case Trump is just following Putin's orders?
It may be that trump putin and Xi all just agree that they will divide the world into three pieces. I have no idea. This is so insane. Personally, I don't think the military is made up of blind zombies.
Many years ago I game planned the destruction of the US empathising into the mindset of a hostile player like Putin. I am a bit of a geek that way, constantly alert to possible existential dangers consequent upon a broken childhood of neglect and abuse. You would go for the obvious weak points in the society and its place in the global order and pound on them. Firstly, you would infiltrate the wealthiest cartels/hedgefunds in Wall Street and the City of London. In the US you would reignite a race war, attack women’s rights and emphasise economic and cultural iniquities via Murdochian and social mass media. In tandem with this you would fund the anti US and NATO powers in the ongoing global trouble hot wars and economically troubled nation states. Finally, you would create trouble on the northern Canadian and southern Mexican US borders. I did not foresee any ground invasion of either country. However, Russo-MAGA are made up of wealthy oligarchs hungry for evermore reource exploitation profiteering, so although it may not be a direct order from Putin, this action follows the logic of a successful longterm infiltration by him to destroy the US and the postwar international political order from within.
I am really starting to believe trump and putin have designs on conquering the entire northern hemisphere.
Pretty much what’s going on.
Pretty much what’s going on.
Your logic checks out, honestly—especially the parts about exploiting Wall Street-driven inequality, weaponizing culture-war shit through Murdoch and social media, and stirring border chaos. I don't think it's some perfectly coordinated mastermind plan where Putin puppeteers every MAGA loudmouth from afar, but he's absolutely smart enough to capitalize on America's existing self-inflicted mess. He's not playing 4D chess—he's just tossing matches onto a fire we've already lit ourselves.
Dear Malcolm,
If Trump and Putin's real goal is to "crash / collapse" America (so its parts can be sold off to the highest bidders), I can think of no better way that to invade Canada. Of course, there are other destabilizing schemes I've heard about (shutting down the Dept of Education so Mike Johnson's wet dream of education that is Christo-Fascist based becomes American policy, for example) that could cause "rioting in the streets". But invading Canada? ... that's something I don't think Hollywood could dream up.
My question is.. What is Trump / Putin's end objective? Is it really breaking up America? Or is it creating a Fascist territory throughout North America?
Your thoughts?
PS I'm a new paid subscriber, so I can post thoughts like these. Thanks for all you do.
Best answer Ive heard on this Xi gets all of Asia(Taiwan), Pvtin all of Europe, and Trvmp all North America. They think they can take over the globe. It aint gonna happen. Id like to see all of them beside that guy in S.C. prison yard soon.
If they think they can do that, who's gonna stop them from at least trying? And if they "try"... that (to me) means WWIII. Of course, Trump is known to be so full of hate (both for the world and self-hate) that I believe he secretly desires to "go out with a bang". God help us all.
They may try, but they will fail.
Let’s have him “go out with a bang” tomorrow.
Trump might be reckless and driven by ego, but he's also fundamentally cowardly. He's more about bluffing, bullying, and pushing boundaries to get concessions rather than actually triggering a global conflict he knows he can't control. He's far more interested in personal power and profit than a grand apocalyptic scenario. The real risk isn't him intentionally going out "with a bang," but stumbling blindly into something dangerous because he's too shortsighted to see where he's headed. I'm more worried about Trump’s incompetence rather than a death wish.
I would like trump to meet the same fate as his buddy jeffrey epstein, hangs himself in a prison cell from despair
Yep. That guy soon to be executed in SC chose firing squad.
I choose same for Chump.
Look up the 'Technate of North America'. Substack author Jim Stewartson has a few posts about it. Basically it's a concept to carve up the world into several major zones of influence as in Orwell's 1984. A fascist North America extending from Greenland to South America is one of them. 'Eurasia' under Russian domination and 'Eastasia' under China's are the other main blocks.
Thank you Mark
How do I sleep for the next 4 years? This is horrifying.
I think we will have an overthrow over our country by our military before an invasion or civil war. Our Thug president is not making friends with our armed forces and vets. And our police forces possess too much military equipment not to be a serious threat to the Feds
true that, the police have started becoming their own little military since 9/11
Pray you are correct
That would be magnificent
Weed is your friend.
I'm afraid to tell You but don't sleep you prepare. We are on the cusp of dangerous times
I am not a military person but wouldn’t it cause moral injury to our troops if they were ordered to invade Canada or Greenland? What if the troops refuse to comply with orders?
Personally, I dont think they would do it. Canadians are like friends to me. Nothing Trvmp could ever do can make me fight them guess I'd be in the brig.
History instructor/lawyer here: Never forget the Civil War with brothers taking up arms against brothers. How many family Ed and friendships have already been split apart owing to MAGA/Trump/Musk??
Walking the sword's edge. Im praying this will never come about.
I’m not sure I’d even want to live through this scenario.
People under a military command structure are prone to do horrible things. That’s the point of military training.
We dont want to attack Canada or anyone you dvmb mf.
Too bad you're not president you smart mf.
Thank you Malcolm for the warning. Does everyone in Congress know this?
I hope so!
I have seen the map of the “Technate of America”. This is a tech bro thing pushed by Musk.
No one voted for Musk.
No one confirmed or approved Musk.
So why should anyone, any American, go to war for Musk?
The SOB is stripping out the VA to pay for his Mars mission.
Supposedly there are suggestions that the VA stop sterilizing instruments between patients TO SAVE MONEY
Why fight for an Asshole who doesn’t have your back and DOESN’T obey his oath to the Constitution.
I'd like to toss him in a car crusher, the bloviated imbecile.
Another Bond reference.
“He had a pressing engagement.”
Steve Cheung, aka “Oddjob”, looks on approvingly.
This is so much more than Musk and the planning for this predates him by decades. This has been in the works for decades and came together under the auspices of the Heritage Foundation funded by oligarchs whose names you never hear. Trump’s tapping into the popular malaise made it possible to finally pull the planning together and execute as fast and as furiously and efficiently as possible. Musk is a latecomer who has provided some important capabilities to the execution.
Agree, "Democracy in Chains" by Nancy MacLean 2017. Koch brothers, evil long-term strategy to protect wealthy and capitalism from workers by restricting voting rights and seducing future judges with their "economic liberty" manifesto. They have nearly succeeded.
Yes, Exactly! And ‘Democracy in Chains’ is a great source for the history behind this effort to re-cast America into an authoritarian state.
When I'm dealing personally with some messed-up shit, I frequently think of Hanlon's Razor ("never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity"). But there has to be a Trump Exception to that, where malice and stupidity co-exist in roughly equal quantites. That seems to be a hallmark of everything he does. The incompetence sometimes is both truly staggering and surprising. Malcolm, although I can't find much fault with your logic, we need to look at the trade wars of the last few weeks to see how Trump and his administration can not even execute a coherent effort in what should be a relatively straighforward trade policy. If he and his team planned something as major as this, I don't think it could get farther than a wet dream of a sociopath.
This is the best comment I've seen, and I'm going to make that into a new corollary... the Moron's Razor.
Pray you are correct 🙏
Autocratic dictators, unconcerned with accountability, simply learn from their mistakes and persist, ignoring or punishing those who mock them, while getting more effective - and cruel - with subsequent iterations.
They can afford to be incompetent.
My thoughts on this since it’s now open topic. I’m wondering if Donald and the kids thought about these things which most likely could happen if he’s serious:
Citizens clogging the freeways with parked cars. Putting themselves in front of moving columns of tanks. US citizens in open resistance of US forces moving through the country
Millions of Americans swarming the Mexican border in hopes of escaping an all out civil war.
Thousands of American citizens actively fighting for Canada.
And my favorite: NATO forces coming to Canadian assistance.
Are these possible scenarios on their risk assessment spreadsheets?
Senior Chief
This is not outside the realm of the possible. It would lead to an incredible disaster that would devastate North America, destroy our military and shatter our society. It would only help Putin as Trump’s regime will meet its end.
Until the past few weeks I did not think that the leaders of our military would obey such orders, but despite all he has done without any resisting even the firing of General Brown and Admiral Franchetti and so many other attacks on the military by Trump and Hegseth I sincerely wonder if any will refuse his orders.
Regardless, we all must stand against him. As General Ludwig Beck who resigned from being Chief of the Army staff over Hitler’s planned invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1938 and died during Operation Valkyrie on 20 July 1944 said: “Final decisions about the nation’s existence are at stake here; history will incriminate these leaders with bloodguilt if they do not act in accordance with their specialist political knowledge and conscience. Their soldierly obedience reaches its limit when their knowledge, their conscience, and their responsibility forbid carrying out an order.”
Watch you six Senior,
Steve Dundas, CDR, CHC, USN (ret)
All it takes is to flip ONE general.
Good comment Commander. God did you ever think we would be near this point in American history?
The stuff of nightmares. I hate to think where we will all be a year from now. I'm in Hawaii and I have concerns of the Chinese having a bolder presence in the Pacific. Now this scenario you wrote about will weigh heavily. I don't think I could ever leave my lifelong island home; and I am too old to physically resist or embark on a life elsewhere. So I will take things day by day as I have been doing. Keep the info flowing to us--even if it is dark. It's our life now to absorb what is occurring. Mahalo for all you do. You are so appreciated.
jesus no.
Chump needs maple syrup for his pancakes. Duty Free! 😃
This is nuts.
Malcom, Here is my question to you. I participate in protests regularly in DC (going to 3 this month), active on social media encouraging others to resist and tell Dem leadership to grow a spine and start really pushing back on GOP like Al Green recently did. Perhaps most of all, involved in a group electiontruthalliance.org that has a very strong evidence that Trump is illegitimate, our analysis shows that voting software hack was present that discreetly flipped votes from Harris to Trump, just enough to be outside the margin of recount (that was Trump's and Kevin Roberts' of Heritage foundation, Secret). I am also suggesting that we form democratic patriot militias as the far right has militias in virtually every state. The problem, Americans are very apathetic, don't really care unless it directly affects them. So where do you think we should go at this point ? Thoughts ?
National leadership is coming to sew this all together. Keep protesting. Bring donuts. Make it a party. We must keep it up.
Malcom, Please note I have nothing but respect for you and your service to Ukraine but that said, I must beg to differ regarding democratic leadership coming to the rescue. As mentioned , I am a member of electiontruthalliance.org were we have looked at the data and there is strong evidence of software hack in voting tabulators that discreetly flipped votes from Harris to Trump, just enough to be outside the margin of a mandatory recount. If that hack is removed Harris would have won 5 out of 7 swing states with a final electoral count of Harris 285, Trump 253. We are currently trying to raise money for both an official audit and lawsuit against Trump in one of the swing states. The problem I see is that a trump friendly judge will dismiss case, MSM are too cowardly to cover it, American people are too apathetic to go to streets 24/7 even if they believed it. Most of all, democratic leadership has made it clear that a "good democratic" does not question election results. I could quote multiple examples of this but perhaps the best one is Harris ignoring 3 letters sent to her by cyber security expert Stephen Spoonamore urging her to recant her concession and demand a paper recount. Instead she went to Hawaii on vacation. Our current democratic leadership doesn't understand, there is not going to be a free/fair 2026 or beyond as long as Trump is confident that this hack, coordinated with the help of Musk and Putin, is still functioning in voting tabulators. My other concern is that from my social media postings I can see the vast majority of democrats don't want anything to do with preparing themselves (i.e., owning a firearm) from Trump 'brownshirt' or god help us, a second civil war. I feel they will be lambs to the slaughter with that attitude and that really, really concerns me.
Please take a look. Trump and Musk confession of voting hack "They have a secret; they don't need your votes
I am surprised you did not mention that the US already has a military base in far northwestern Greenland at Thule.
I implied it, but its a small base. Anything past a rotation of air force security police would raise eyebrows and its not near the capitol.
thanks for that info