Jun 28Liked by Malcolm Nance

President Biden was compromised by having a cold (alleged).

Also, He was a bit overwhelmed, agape to respond to the cockwomble buttnuggets spewage of mendacity, as a thirsty child, baffled to find a way to get a sip of water from the blast of a fire hose

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Are you likening Trump to cockwomble buttnuggets or his nonstop lying? Either way, no one's ever going to top that one.

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Last night I kept thinking what Biden says about the race, “ don’t compare me to the almighty, compare me instead to the alternative” but they both were abysmal. Of course we vote for Biden if he doesn’t step aside but last night’s disaster just turned the collective democratic panic level to an 11/10.

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Jun 28Liked by Malcolm Nance

To all the democrats-of-convenience, get a grip. Ukrainians are dying for their democracy, all you have to do is keep the faith and help as you are able.

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Thanks for the monicker of “democrats of convenience”. Im going to assume it for myself, graci. As a dem for life I’m concerned about all the dissatisfied republicans bailing on their party and getting bossy about what the democratic party should do now they have arrived on the scene. Bossy bossy bossy. Biden’s administration is his. He should run it. I want whatever is best for getting Trump gone. I hear your enthusiasm for Kamala roaring onto the ticket. It would be a triumph for a woman to bring woman’s rights back and made permanent. Sounds amazing, high stakes. Personally I need a couple days to think. I’m a ride or die gal. What Joe decides on this will also be with Kamala. I’ll ride with the Harris team no prob bob. It’s a fast world, gotta keep up and change as required.

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Amending my comment without editing, Biden has come out with his statements and I’m 100% behind his remarks. He has my support.

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Jun 28Liked by Malcolm Nance

I want a nastier Biden. He had a cold, and it showed. He shouldn't step aside, his campaign staff should. This isn't a traditional presidential campaign. It's an alley fight with a rabid jackal!! He needs people around him who understand that.

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Jun 28Liked by Malcolm Nance

Biden’s Voice: I want President Biden to develop a voice strong enough to speak for us with clarity and gusto! For this, he must develop a muscular breath. If one is gasping for air as he was, you cannot support the message or even clear your thoughts. You don’t have the mechanism to fight if you don’t have breath. It may seem like a simple fix, but breath is life. There are breathing and vocal exercises to fix this!

Breathe, Joe, breathe! Express yourself fully or step aside.

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He has a real problem with his voice. He has chronic acid reflux and it compromises his ability to talk ( this was reported by someone who knows Biden and has had extensive interviews with him) He should never have run for a second term. What a disaster.

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Jun 28Liked by Malcolm Nance

thanks for these insightful columns

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I’ll say it again, if Biden is on a gurney w/an IV drip, I’d still vote for him💙 I don’t vote for popularity contests, I vote for strong, honest & truthful administrators! I trust if KH had to take the reins, she’d do so w/gusto & diligence! A fine prosecutor who respects the rule of law. The other blip, is a criminal who like last x, would bring in more criminals to the administration🤮 Most of which I wouldn’t trust w/any National Security information, of which they would sell their Mothers for🥴👍😉

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The exhaustion of a week of sleep deprivation due to the global security situation in the Middle East reared itself on stage last night. Combined with a wicked cold (I had it) are not valid reasons to make us jump ship. The country isn’t fond of our VP. The country is in the throes of white nationalism and misogyny. It is daunting to imagine how this VP could create a coalition this time around and this close to the vote. The lather rinse repeat of tfg will fool fools. bannon, stone and putin are working to do the same hellscape of 2016 and 2020. I hope President Biden will go on all media outlets every day and talk frankly with us. Reassurance and strength please. Talk to us all and let us into the oval. I’m voting for Joe Biden not the felon.

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Running the country (well) while trying to save the world 24/7 takes a toll. How galling that a serial liar who spends his (non-court) days cheating at golf should "win" this debate because he sounded virile. What normal person, let alone President, spews lies like Trump, and CNN's agreement not to fact check let him do so with impunity.

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Definatly Joe Biden missed a golden opportunity to sink the Orange chronic liar. 34-0 delivered a "tidal wave" of falshood material, that Mad Magazines Alfred E Newman could have filled pages of satire with.

The stakes are so high. How would England have done if Churchills "fight on the beaches" speech came off like last night? There was no room for excuses in the summer of 1940. Democracy is now on the line on this side of the Atlantic!!!

Where was injecting bleach......the gallows for Pence........raking forests........nuking hurricanes.......changing the words for national songs.......sharpies.........ultra violet flashlights........swastikas flying at the gates of Disney World.........the MAGA pit is bottomless.

Thank you Malcolm Nance for being the #1 harbinger of the impending disaster facing the free world.

Hopefully people will start to really tune in now.

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Joe is Back!!!! Just watched the speech he just gave!!!! Let Joe be Joe........CNN played the entire event and he was on fire!!! Tears in my eyes!!!!!!

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He did get injecting bleach in there, but it got lost in the tremendoud cloud of horseshit that was flying around just then.

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Joe mentioned bleach today at the SC rally........Meidastouch made a list of 50 lies that exploded into that billowing cloud of horseshit..

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I hadn’t bothered to watch it because judging from the setup it was going to be a mess, & then adding in no fact checking by the moderators meant that Trump was going to lie his sorry ass off & Joe is only checking him while having some good to great lines as the night went on it would only come across as “he said, he said” to some without the fact checking. Then there’s Joe’s stutter, as a person that has dealt with similar problem when speaking in front of people & have taken kids to speech therapy it makes me empathize with President Biden more seeing how a legitimate problem is being mocked by a bunch of seditious Putin cheek kissing jackasses & ratings junkies aggravates me to put it mildly.

But there’s something else here I like to note is that the doomscrolling I’m seeing is no different during the primary debates for 2020, the 1st Obama-Romney, Bush-Kerry, & Reagan-Mondale debates(I would include Clinton-Dole, but I’m not sure how that one went). We have Four months to Election Day, the media cycle will jump on the next 5-10 shiny objects until then. Especially Trump’s sentencing in July. & Retail politics & townhalls are Biden’s specialty, so every Democratic organization needs to be out engaging with the public at the local, state & federal levels because Republicans need to lose across the board for the sake of Democracy, the life of the Republic & future generations.

As for President Biden, it’s time to show once again why it’s a fool’s errand to underestimate him once again.

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You're welcome.😀

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Hold up folks! Biden's leadership of this country is stellar and his State of the Union address was more than impressive. Last night was terrible from the moment he stepped to the podium we all agree but we can't throw in the towel yet. I have faith that he can right this ship and sail on.

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All of this could’ve been avoided. “Sorry everybody I caught a cold. It was too late to cancel“ should’ve been his opening line.

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Last nite all my observations and fears were reinforced Joe needs to RETIRE

Return your delegates/ open the field for new, fresh talent Democrats can WIN but not with this ticket

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Even as fragile as Joe looked last night he still is 100% better than the orange baboon! As an American patriot I will always choose democracy over internment camps, jail, lynchings,gas chambers,ovens and firing squads!

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I think it would be a mistake for the President to step down. It would take a very charismatic person to replace him and win. That person doesn't exist.

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